Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eckhart Tolle and Anthony Robbins

I discovered Eckhart Tolle’s works relatively late. In fact, aside from watching his videos, I have not been able to finish reading any of his books.
The story of his life never ceases to amaze me, and I am surprised at the parallels between his life and that of another life coach/visionary Anthony Robbins.
It is interesting to see the differences in their styles, yet you can fathom that somehow, they are operating from the same consciousness. Perhaps the differences stem mainly from their ethnicity since Tony Robbins is American, while Eckhart Tolle is German.
So now I am putting their works way up high on my reading list and I hope to be able to absorb and apply their principles in my life. At this point in time, every time I read notable quotes from their works, it amazes how it manages to hit the proverbial nail on the head each time.
If any of you readers are looking for good reads that are potentially life-changing, search on Amazon or Barnes and Noble for the works of Eckhart Tolle and Anthony Robbins.
You’ll be glad you did.                              

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